Brandon is my husband, and he works for a Dairy here in Weber County, Utah. This dairy has been around since 1869. It's a family owned business and has been passed from one generation to the next... for 5 generations now. Brandon has worked for them for about 12 years and has plans to stay for as long as the Gibsons will let him. They're an awesome family, great friends of ours, and they are so good to us.

This is our personal blog and the Gibsons aren't a co-author, so we're posting information about the dairy to the best of our knowlegde. The dairy means a lot to us and I'm sure it's interesting to people who have never been to a dairy farm before, so we'd like to share what we know with others. We love the farm life and so do our kids. :)

There is so many different aspects to running a dairy that it might take me awhile to get pictures to post it all... but eventually I will.