Farm Bureau

Saturday, Feb. 26th, 2011:
Weber County Farm Bureau was one of the many sponsers that helped put on a concert at Fremont High School. All the money from the ticket sales goes to scholarships for the FFA kids that attend Weber High and Fremont High. Over $50,000 in scholarships has been given to these FFA kids, which is amazing. Weber County was given 4 tickets to the event, and Brandon & I got to go. The FFA puts on a dinner at the school to honor their sponsers before the concert. The food was pretty good!

Saddle Strings from Hooper, Utah was the opening band.

 But everyone comes to see the Bar J Wranglers. They came here from Jackson Hole, WY. Brandon and I went to see their show in Jackson Hole they have on their ranch a couple of summers ago. They are so talented and use lots of comedy to keep us really entertained.

It was a great concert and their shows always sell out. It's really cool for the FFA kids to get so much support.