Ag in the Classroom

Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) is a nationwide program designed to help students develop an awareness and understanding of our food and fiber system, and how agriculture impacts our daily lives.

The Utah Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom is a nonprofit organization that receives financial support from interested individuals and organizations. The Farm Bureau is one of the supporters of AITC, and is how I got involved.

I attended a state Farm Bureau conference held in Bryce Canyon, Utah on January 2010. While there I picked out a book called "Milk Comes From a Cow?" to take home and share with the students at our local elementary school. After I read it to them, the book is donated to the classroom or the school's library.

Then I told them about the Dairy Brandon works for, answered their MANY questions, and passed out GoGurt for a yummy dairy snack. The snack was paid for by the Farm Bureau.


I prepared this poster with pictures of the Dairy as a visual aid, and added fun cow facts to share with them.

A thanks to Mrs. Meyer for allowing me to visit her wonderful Kindergarten class!